A Perfect Pair
Only £13.95!
There is nothing better than a perfect pair. They fit together with paradisical symmetry. A more perfect jigsaw of two pieces there is not. A sight to behold, the perfect pair draws eyes of wonderment and a little envy. One would be not enough, three; too many. Unless it's three perfect pairs; this is called heaven. Truly, some things are made for each other. When you experience a perfect pair, dressed up to the nines, you can relax in the knowledge that yes, there is a meaning to life, and it's in a perfect pair.
Reference Number: Q81823
Next Available Delivery Date
As of this moment, the next date we can deliver is
07th January 2025
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£{{ product.price | formatCurrency }} + £{{ bouquetSelected.price | formatCurrency }}
{{ bouquetChosen2 | imgNameFilter }}
{{ bouquetChosen3 | imgNameFilter }}
{{ bouquetChosen4 | imgNameFilter }}
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{{ bouquetChosen6 | imgNameFilter }}
{{ bouquetChosen7 | imgNameFilter }}
{{ bouquetChosen8 | imgNameFilter }}
{{ bouquetChosen9 | imgNameFilter }}
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{{ gift.name }}
£{{ gift.price }}